GEORGE TANG - a lawyer and an artist


Tang started painting at the tender age of seven under the tuition of the celebrated bird-and-flower master, Pau Shiu Yau. He later specialized in the painting of tigers under the coaching of Mr. Ng Shan. Tang's talents were first noticed at the age of ten by the art community when one of his works was selected amongst those of famous artists for display at the Hong Kong Arts festival Exhibition.


In 1975, like most young people of his time who did academically well, Tang chose to study law after graduating from the University of Hong Kong with an honours degree in social sciences and having been awarded with a legal training scholarship which brought him to London. There his works were widely exhibited and were much highly appraised by art critics and collectors alike. He returned to Hong Kong to practise law in l978 and founded the legal firm, Tai, Tang & Chong, in partnership in 1981.

For more, Please visit here.

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During the past 40 years, Tang has never ceased to devote himself to art and its perfection. His work is an embodiment of elegance and style. There is always a mood of tranquility and peacefulness in his paintings, yet equally noticeable is the element of life and vigour, as captured in his paintings of horses, birds and even in the stillness of a peony garden after rain. His works have been exhibited in art galleries and exhibition halls in numerous countries, including England, Canada and Singapore and have won much international acclaim.

鄧國榮、廣東三水縣人,自幼天資驄穎,七歲隨國畫宗師鮑少游習畫,曾先後參加多次畫展。 鄧君於一九七一年畢業於香港大學,及後於一九七五年負笈英倫攻讀法律,現為執業律師,業務繁忙之餘,仍鑽研畫藝,迄今四十多年,從未間斷。

鄧君擅畫花鳥、蟲魚、老虎及駿馬,其風格妍麗雅緻,境界清高,筆意縱逸駘宕,機趣天然。 其作品曾展於英倫、加拿大、星加坡及香港,好評如潮,並屢獲國際殊榮獎狀,甚得喜好藝術者擁戴及收藏。
